#NYTechMeetup - Nov 2 - 2011
November starts off with a bang. Sort of. It's also Movember, so donate. This post will be short but full of gems you can click on. I got an opportunity to attend my first New York Tech Meetup (NYTM). I work on …
November starts off with a bang. Sort of. It's also Movember, so donate. This post will be short but full of gems you can click on. I got an opportunity to attend my first New York Tech Meetup (NYTM). I work on …
Enter the Kindle I decided to sell some of my old Textbooks in December. Why one may ask. Well I decided to get a Kindle to replace my paper books with E-Ink. This was a decision that took about 3 …
This will be my first technical post for 2011. My significant other just moved here and we had to shop for a good phone plan for her. I had to think about what would be a good replacement for what …
November was a good month. Well December is a tough month. I am used to having December as time off. Mostly in South Africa my exams are done mid November and December is Vac Work/Interning. Here its work until Christmas eve. Anyways …